Rider WaiteTarot Reading


Astrology Spread


The Astrology spread yields insight into a number of several aspects of the current state of your life, reading into the planets' influence on your psyche.

As usual this reading begins with the significator and ends with the outcome. Between the ends we analyze cards which stand for the planetary influences, one by one. The Moon card represents the influence of the home. Mercury shows the side of the intellect regarding one's skills to interact. Venus or course is the planet of Love, and Mars is the planet of war. These 2 also represent the female and male energies respectively. The final 2 planets both relate to Mercury. Jupiter shows the financial side of business, regarding personal gains. Saturn represents the purely intellectual aspects of a person's life, or what you think on a more personal level.

Spread Positions

  1. Your overall self (significator)
  2. The Moon - home
  3. Mercury - skills, business, and integrity
  4. Venus - love
  5. Mars - opposition and hostility
  6. Jupiter - finance and acquisition
  7. Saturn - intellect
  8. Outcome




Astrology Spread







Your Astrology Reading

Matters Concerning Hostility, Opposition and Aggression (The Card of Mars)

The Lovers
Matters Concerning Business, Skills and Integrity (The Card of Mercury)

Page of Wands
Matters Concerning Love (The Card of Venus)

9 of Wands

Matters Concerning Your Home (The Card of the Moon)

4 of Cups
Matters of Finance, Acquisition and Wealth (The Card of Jupiter)

2 of Cups

The Outcome

Queen of Wands
Matters of the Intellect (The Card of Saturn)

4 of Wands

Your Overall Self

7 of Wands




Your Overall Self


7 of Wands

A young man on a craggy eminence brandishing a staff; six other staves are raised towards him from below.

Divinatory Meaning:

It is a card of valour, for, on the surface, six are attacking one, who has, however, the vantage position. On the intellectual plane, it signifies discussion, wordy strife; in business – negotiations, war of trade, barter, competition. It is further a card of success, for the combatant is on the top and his enemies may be unable to reach him.




Matters Concerning Your Home (The Card of the Moon)


4 of Cups

A young man is seated under a tree and contemplates three cups set on the grass before him; an arm issuing from a cloud offers him another cup. His expression notwithstanding is one of discontent with his environment.

Divinatory Meaning:

Weariness, disgust, aversion, imaginary vexations, as if the wine of this world had caused satiety only; another wine, as if a fairy gift, is now offered the wastrel, but he sees no consolation therein. This is also a card of blended pleasure.




Matters Concerning Business, Skills and Integrity (The Card of Mercury)


Page of Wands

In a scene similar to the former, a young man stands in the act of proclamation. He is unknown but faithful, and his tidings are strange.

Reversed Meaning:

Anecdotes, announcements, evil news. Also, indecision and the instability which accompanies it.




Matters Concerning Love (The Card of Venus)


9 of Wands

The figure leans upon his staff and has an expectant look, as if awaiting an enemy. Behind are eight other staves – erect, in orderly disposition, like a palisade.

Reversed Meaning:

Obstacles, adversity, calamity.








Matters Concerning Hostility, Opposition and Aggression (The Card of Mars)


The Lovers

The sun shines in the zenith, and beneath is a great winged figure with arms extended, pouring down influences. In the foreground are two human figures, male and female, unveiled before each other, as if Adam and Eve when they first occupied the paradise of the earthly body. Behind the man is the Tree of Life, bearing twelve fruits, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is behind the woman; the serpent is twining round it. The figures suggest youth, virginity, innocence and love before it is contaminated by gross material desire. This is in all simplicity the card of human love, here exhibited as part of the way, the truth and the life. It replaces, by recourse to first principles, the old card of marriage, which I have described previously, and the later follies which depicted man between vice and virtue. In a very high sense, the card is a mystery of the Covenant and Sabbath.

The suggestion in respect of the woman is that she signifies that attraction towards the sensitive life which carries within it the idea of the Fall of Man, but she is rather the working of a Secret Law of Providence than a willing and conscious temptress. It is through her imputed lapse that man shall arise ultimately, and only by her can he complete himself. The card is therefore in its way another intimation concerning the great mystery of womanhood. The old meanings fall to pieces of necessity with the old pictures, but even as interpretations of the latter, some of them were of the order of commonplace and others were false in symbolism.

Reversed Meaning:

Failure, foolish designs. Another account speaks of marriage frustrated and contrarieties of all kinds.




Matters of Finance, Acquisition and Wealth (The Card of Jupiter)


2 of Cups

A youth and maiden are pledging one another, and above their cups rises the Caduceus of Hermes, between the great wings of which there appears a lion's head. It is a variant of a sign which is found in a few old examples of this card. Some curious emblematical meanings are attached to it, but they do not concern us in this place.

Divinatory Meaning:

Love, passion, friendship, affinity, union, concord, sympathy, the interrelation of the sexes, and – as a suggestion apart from all offices of divination – that desire which is not in Nature, but by which Nature is sanctified.




Matters of the Intellect (The Card of Saturn)


4 of Wands

From the four great staves planted in the foreground there is a great garland suspended; two female figures uplift nosegays; at their side is a bridge over a moat, leading to an old manorial house.

Reversed Meaning:

They are for once almost on the surface – country life, haven of refuge, a species of domestic harvest-home, repose, concord, harmony, prosperity, peace, and the perfected work of these.




The Outcome


Queen of Wands

The Wands throughout this suit are always in leaf, as it is a suit of life and animation. Emotionally and otherwise, the Queen's personality corresponds to that of the King, but is more magnetic.

Divinatory Meaning:

A dark woman, countrywoman, friendly, chaste, loving, honourable. If the card beside her signifies a man, she is well disposed towards him; if a woman, she is interested in the Querent. Also, love of money, or a certain success in business.